Parental Involvement

At St Pius X Catholic Preparatory School, we have been very blessed to have had support from parents over the years.

Parents have supported the school in many ways from contributing their time to participate in assemblies, run workshops, help with events, organise fundraisers, share their career expertise with our school and pupils. Many generous parents have made a financial contribution to our school library and even donated equipment.

Our 'Friends of St Pius X' voluntary parents' body (part of our PTA) has offered an invaluable link between parents and the school and had raised considerable sums of money over the years for school-based projects, as well as for local, national and overseas charities and good causes.


Friends of St Pius X is committed to the following aims:

  • Support the Headmaster and senior members of staff at specific school events when required.
  • To help enrich our pupils' social and educational experience at the school by providing funds for projects and materials that would otherwise be beyond the remit or resources of the school.
  • To engage in activities that help support the local community as well as other charities and good causes.
  • To provide all areas of support to parent-organised events.


If you are a parent of a child currently at St Pius X, you can join Friends of St Pius X, our Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA do an amazing job of fundraising for the school. The PTA support many events such as our annual School Carnival.

If you are interested in volunteering your time or have ideas about how you might like to contribute to this beautiful school to benefit our children, please complete the form below or call the school office on 01772719937.

Parent Volunteer Form

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